Thursday, September 24, 2009

What we've done in art principles class over the past week and a half

All these activities have creativity in common. This is because, for the postcard project you have to use your imagination to find different ways to explain what's going on in the picture without actually saying what's "in" the picture. In the collaborative drawing we had to continue someone else's drawing which is very challenging but put our creativity to work. The pour paintings went from a spot of paint to a total different figure. Lastly, we did the mapping of still life which was incredibly hard. It takes a lot of creativity and thought to figure out how to draw something without actually drawing it. That sounds so weird but actually what we had to do. As you can see when it all comes down to it we put our imagination and creativity to work for the past week and a half.

1 comment:

  1. very thoughtful sarah, but when you say creativity, what do you mean exactly? can you be more specific? describe what kinds of things you had to do that were creative?
