I started my found object sculpture by taking the chains off of my moms old shoes. This pretty much is what inspired me to start my sculpture. I thought that together the two chains looked like a body. I then took two plastic pieces from sunglasses and noticed it looked like a butterfly. I didn't know what to use for wings at first. My plan in my sketch book was to create a tree for the butterfly to be on. Which is when the flower pedals came in to use. I noticed that it looked more like wings and kept adding more and more making it very colorful just like a butterfly. The best part of the two chains was that I got to use a wire to tie it together making it look even more like a body. Once I noticed this my mind was set and pushed me to want and to ultimately complete my sculpture of a butterfly. During the scavenger hunt I noticed how much people overall influence art. Half or even more of the sculptures were of people or animals. This shows how natural it is for us all to take what we see every day and apply it to art. I really like how my sculpture hangs but if I could go back and do it all differently I probably would have been more strategic when it came to putting the flower pedals down as the wings to make it look a little more neat looking.
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